Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Lucas Graduated from Pre-K on June 12, 2009 now he is ready for Kindergarten! Yahoo!

Here in Pittsburgh you can have your children be a part of the preschool program that is part of the school district. They call it Pre-K. Lucas had the opportunity to go to school everyday just like his sister Eliza and learn! He really did well and enjoyed it once he was there! If you asked him how school was he would say, " I told you I do not want to talk about it right now." Every once in a while he would talk about school and express how much he was liking it! His teachers would also give me the run down that he was a great student and enjoyed helping other classmates learn who were struggling! So when Pre-K graduation was here Lucas was so excited! We are so happy for you buddy! You are an awesome stud boy! We love you so much and can't wait to see you continue to grow and learn as you enter Kindergarten! Keep up the awesome work and don't ever forget how much mommy and daddy love you! Always and forever! Congratulations on graduating form Pre-K! You rock!
After the graduation there was a celebration at the park right above the school! There was music, food, bubbles, and just a lot of fun for everyone!
Lucas during his graduation.
Lucas and his friend Max who is waving!
And another cute picture of him!
Eliza at Lucas' graduation

Lucas hugging Mrs. Germita getting is diploma for graduating from Pre-K!
Lucas and some of his classmates!
Stud boy now ready for the big Kindergarten! He kept saying, "so now I do not have to wake up and hurry and get ready for school for 3 days right mommy?" I would say, "no buddy for 3 whole months." He would then say, "Oh yah that is good!"
Lucas and his wonderful Pre-K teacher Mrs. Germita
Lucas and Mrs. Pallota! She was the awesome Teachers Aide for his class! We all called her Mrs. 'P'
Lucas and Liza. Eliza was so happy for Lucas to graduate from Pre-K now he gets to go to Kindergarten! Yahoo!
Some of Lucas buddies. Michael, Lucas, Dominic and Joshua
Michael, Lucas, Dominic, DJ, and Sabrina waiting in line to head up to the park for the graduation celebration!
Bubbles bubbles and more bubbles!
I absolutely love this pictures of my kids! So cute! Lucas was so happy to be finished with school! Summer time here we come!
Bubble time! So much fun!
Oliver thought the bubble were pretty nifty too!
Oliver debating if the slide is they way he should go down or not! I didn't get the picture but he went down on his stomach thinking he was hot stuff!
Oliver having fun pushing his stroller around.
Family picture without daddy and with friend Ivan. Daddy was so sad that he wasn't able to make it to Lucas' Pre-K graduation. We missed him but are so thankful for his hard work!
Eliza, Mommy, Ollie and our Pre-K Graduate Lucas Steele
Lucas and Max best of buddies
Lucas, Jayda and Max. Jayda had a major crush on Lucas. She would follow him everywhere! Of course Lucas was oblivious and said, "no we are only friends!"