Monday, June 29, 2009

Eliza graduated from Kindergarten
June 11, 2009
Eliza was so excited to graduate from kindergarten! It was all she could talk about weeks before this big day! Being a mom I couldn't believe this day had arrived, it seemed like yesterday she was getting on the bus for her first day of Kindergarten. As I always say.."Time just flies!" Chris and I are so happy for Eliza and how much she loves can we say loves school! She did very well and we hope that this love for school will continue on through the years! Eliza we love you and please do not ever forget this! You are amazing and one incredible little girl! What will high school graduation be like? Ah lets not go there yet! Eliza Bee we are so happy for you! Congratulations on graduating from Kindergarten! xoxoxo
Eliza is the 4th one back in the row as her class was walking in for their big graduation day!
Eliza waiting patiently to receive her Kindergarten Diploma
Oliver being a big boy as his sissy graduated!
Eliza receiving her diploma and shaking hands with her principal and teachers!  Yah!
Eliza holding her Diploma!  She was so happy on graduation day!  
Eliza's class, she is on the top row second on the left.
Eliza was so emotional hugging her favorite Kindergarten teacher Mrs. DeLeone!  Eliza had tears streaming down her darling little face.  Her and Mrs. DeLeone had a special bond.  Eliza keeps saying that Lucas is so lucky to be having Mrs. DeLeone.  Eliza says, "She is the bestest teacher ever!"  Thank you Mrs. DeLeone!  
Eliza with Mrs. DeLeone!  Eliza's momma bear at school!
The family without daddy, but have no worries we shared this wonderful day with him after his rotation!
Mommy with Eliza after she graduated!  I was so happy for her.  She is such a great student and helped others learn too! Yes, I am a very pleased mother!
Eliza and Lucas (friends for once!)
Eliza with her friends Tayla, Maria and Mahati
Eliza and Mr. Whitfield.  He was a student teacher for Eliza's class and she just loved him!
Eliza with her BFF Maria
Eliza after graduation! Cute as ever!
Eliza Alice after Kindergarten Graduation outside holding her dandilion

Lucas and his friend Alec at Eliza's graduation.  They will be in Kindergarten together.... can we say trouble????
Eliza and mommy
Miss McCafferty was the other kindergarten teacher that Eliza just admired!  The 2 kindergarten classes did a lot together so the kids were able to get to know both teachers very well!  
Grandpa 'G' and Grandma 'Fan' come to Pittsburgh to Visit Us in May 2009

You have got to love it when airlines have great deals going on that allows family to spend time together!  In April my dad called me and said, "We are finally going to come and visit you in the Burgh!"  I thought he was kidding and said, "Are you serious?"  He wasn't kidding and on May 15, 2009 we were picking up my dad and his wife at the airport!  It was a great visit.  Very laid back and enjoyable!  The kids gulped up every moment with their Grandpa 'G' and Grandma 'Fan!' As you will see in the pictures we had a good time!  We went on the incline to get a great view of the city!  Played lots of Wii, went to a Pirates baseball game, went to a park and played, laughed, Eliza and Lucas had sleepovers every night with their grandma and grandpa, we relaxed and enjoyed each others company until it was time to say see you later!  Thank you Grandpa 'G' and Grandma 'Fan' for coming to the Burgh!  We love you and can't wait to see you and all of our wonderful family and friends in July and August!